New careers guide to help deliver inspiring engineering activities

Feb 10, 2022

The Tomorrow’s Engineers website has been developed by EngineeringUK and brings together free advice and guidance, curated from across the engineering community, to support practitioners in providing young people with engineering careers inspiration.

Getting the message across’ is Tomorrow’s Engineers new top tips guide for anyone who provides engineering outreach activities in schools. This is a new free guide to help STEM professionals and ambassadors to deliver exciting and inclusive activities to help encourage young people to consider engineering as a career choice.

This guide intends to enhance, rather than replace, existing knowledge and guidance.

Use the top tips to deliver exciting activities

From aerospace developments and rail construction to cyber security and beauty products, this guide emphasises that engineering is a career for anyone.

The best STEM outreach happens when a relatable STEM role model or ambassador uses their unique skillset and personality to bring a session to life through their own experiences of the world of work.

‘Getting the message across’ includes real-life examples from global engineering firms Atkins and Siemens. ‘Future Frontiers’ from Atkins highlights a project to deliver virtual coaching to young people experiencing economic inequality to ensure these students fulfil their potential at school and when transitioning to education or training at age 16. The ‘SeeMe’ project at Siemens showcases real role models who share their authentic career and personal journeys demonstrating that engineering is truly inclusive and can really be done by anyone, anywhere.

Eleanor Eyre, Head of Careers at EngineeringUK says: “Engineers transform the way we live. Their work cuts across every conceivable area, from how we power our homes to medical technology and disaster response and space exploration. It is our job to nurture the engineers of the future and show young people that through a career in engineering they could have an impact on a global scale.”

This new guide features top tips for planning and delivering inspiring activities that inspire as many students as possible with positive messages about careers in engineering.

Key tips include making the activities inclusive for all young people, taking into consideration any additional needs and creating a supportive environment. A preparation checklist is also featured which will make the experience as smooth and positive as possible, for both the outreach professional and the students.

Find out more on the Tomorrow’s Engineers website.

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