Teacher network

The EngineeringUK teacher network helps us influence engagement activities to enhance young people’s interest in STEM subjects, as well as helping inform EngineeringUK about how best to engage with young people from groups that are currently less likely to pursue a career in engineering.

The network was established in 2020 and consists of 12 primary and secondary teachers who meet virtually once every half term for 90 minutes. Meetings are scheduled around teacher availability and usually take place 4.00pm to 5.30pm on weekdays. The meetings act as an opportunity for the teachers to share learning amongst themselves and inform EngineeringUK’s work and the wider STEM environment.

In the past year, the teacher network has advised on:

  • the development of the new EngineeringUK 5-year strategy
  • the best timeline for The Big Bang Competition (what the best timings are that fit into a school's timetable and planning cycles)
  • our equality, diversity and inclusion bursaries for school
  • design and content of the new green engineering career posters

The network is an opportunity for teachers to help influence engagement activities which will enhance young people’s interest in STEM subjects and lead to greater career opportunities for the young people they work with.

Applications for the teacher network are currently closed.