Exam results 2022

2022, saw the return of examinations for the first time since 2019 due to the Covid pandemic. Changes were made to exam arrangements and grade boundaries, to minimise the impact of the pandemic on young people’s future prospects.  The summary reports include attainment and entries for STEM subjects at GCSE, A level, Scottish National 5 and Highers for the 2021/22 academic year.

Summer 2022, also saw the first set of results published for the recently introduced T levels. The summary report provides entries and outcomes for students completing the two engineering related courses.  

Download report key findings.


  • Males are more likely than females to take optional STEM subjects at GCSE based on entries. This is particularly apparent in Computing (2.23% vs 0.61%) and Design and Technology (2.13% vs 0.9%).
  • The proportion of young people attaining 4 or above for STEM subjects in 2022 (70.5%) was higher than the last time exams were taken in 2019 (65.4%).

Download GCSE 2022 exam results report.


A level

  • The proportion of Entries for STEM subjects has slightly declined between 2020 and 2022 from 41.6% in 2020 to 41.1% in 2022, although it was in line with entries in 2019.
  • A higher proportion of boys (52.7%) were entered for STEM subjects than girls (31.5%) in 2022.
  • The proportion of young people attaining a C or above for STEM subjects in 2022 (79%) was higher than the last time exams took place in 2019 (69.7%).

Download A level 2022 exam results report.


T levels

  • Just over half of all young people who completed their T Level course in 2022 studied Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction and Digital Production, Design and Development (53%)
  • In Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction: 93.7% of young people achieved a pass or above and 84% achieved a Merit or above.
  • In Digital Production, Design and Development: 89.7% of young people achieved a pass or above and 66% achieved a Merit or above.

Download T level 2022 exam results report.